Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Update on Buy to Let loan opportunities

Are you looking to take advantage of the opportunities in the current housing market? Do you own one or more buy to let properties? 
If you are looking to raise funds for business cash injection, further property purchase or development, in fact almost anything then a 1st or 2nd charge on the existing buy to let could be what you looking for.
Furthermore if the repayments fit within the existing rental income no further proof of income is required!
We can help with arranging First or Second Charge secured loans for Buy to Let purchases or full remortgages via our regulated mortgage advisors.
Up to £50,000 can be arranged as a Second Charge and rental income can be used in many cases used to meet the repayments. The basic criteria for this is:
  • Minimum Valuation £75,000
  • Adverse credit accepted
  • Large loans accepted
  • Loans can be used for any purpose
At a time when lending remains tight within some of the big banks then our customers appreciate more than ever having the flexibility afforded to them via our extensive panel of secured lenders. We can help with loans from just £1k to £500k plus and get you a quick decision with no up front fees.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Service driven industries are moving at the speed of light towards ‘online’ communication only, but how important is face to face contact for your business? Do you like call centres or endless form filling on the internet with more and more passwords and unique usernames? All these hurdles before you can ask a question or get a simple answer to a simple issue!

So many companies forget the old fashioned approach of ‘getting to know your client’ and ‘finding out what the client wants’; they choose to operate in what they believe is a more cost effective and efficient manner for them….but what about you?
Our commercial finance partners are not opposed to the use of modern IT having embraced technology some time ago. The difference they say is "that IT supports us so we can support your clients and not the other way around. So even with online communication we don’t lose the personal communication we have with our clients."

Although online communication is beneficial for all businesses looking to target a wide audience for a general purpose, with each finance application being unique, an individual approach to assessing your clients’ financials and business plan can ensure your clients get the right deal for their business.

Their ethos is to always have an initial meeting or conversation with a client so that they can fully understand and appreciate their proposal. 

"From experience we know this is an enormous benefit to our client, because the better we understand them and their requirements the better we are equipped to arrange the right finance for them. After all, all business and commercial loans are underwritten on their own merits and do not follow the standard approach normally applied to residential and buy-to-let mortgages."

So if you call this old fashioned – you are right; but in today’s world it is refreshingly old fashioned and refreshingly effective!  The old fashioned approach works - and there's a long list of satisfied customers to back this up too.

If you want to find out more about how we can help your business – contact us for a free initial meeting without obligation.