A question often asked is how can you possibly get a loan without being credit checked. The short answer is that without some sort of additional security being offered you can't! Any lender offering you an unsecured loan will conduct a credit check on you whether you be using the loan to buy furniture, a holiday or a car.
There are however one or two lenders around that will offer you a no credit check loan so long as you can meet certain criteria. One way to borrow money with no check is to put up something tangible as security, for example a car or a piece of art. Loans secured in this way are becoming ever more popular for the asset rich cash poor demographic as a means of raising funds quickly (usually cash in the bank within 48 hours) with minimal fuss. The lender simply securely stores the asset until the loan has been repaid, typically within 3 - 6 months. This can therefore be used as an excellent bridging facility or for commercial purposes such as the dreaded VAT bill and you can can borrow up to £1,000,000 in this way.
For smaller personal loans with no credit check then a guarantor loan is an option if you are needing to borrow up to £5000. You simply need to provide the added security of a guarantor who gives the lender comfort that the loan will be repaid if you default. This can be especially useful if you have little credit history or indeed a rather tarnished one.
Google them - They can be called poor credit loans, bad credit loans, no credit check loans amongst many other things but they all generally refer to a guarantor loan. Don't be misled though, there is no easy way to get a loan if you have had issues in the recent past or don't meet the criteria of the big banks. For the select few who can get a guarantor to help then getting a no credit check loan is a reality.
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